Differences between the
RLDS and LDS Doctrine and Covenants
Miscellaneous Textual Changes

by Jon Tandy

This page lists some differences between the RLDS and LDS Doctrine and Covenants (RDC and LDC), which are of a less important nature than others discussed on this site. This list is by no means comprehensive, and is provided for reference only. If anyone knows of other significant differences between the two versions of Doctrine and Covenants, please write and let me know.

Verse Numbering

The RDC and LDC differ greatly in their verse and section numbering. Within sections, the wording is usually identical otherwise. The RDC follows the same paragraph numbering as the original 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, and letters have been added to break long paragraphs into smaller verses. Click on the following link for a comparison of section numbers: Chapter Comparison of the Doctrine and Covenants


Numerous punctuation changes occur between the LDC and RDC that in most cases don't affect the meaning of the verse. More study could be done in this area to identify any substantial changes in meaning.

One change in punctuation in the LDC that does substantially affect the Word of Wisdom teaching on eating meat is discussed in another page.

Minor Changes in Wording

There are a few places where the wording is slightly different between the LDC and the RDC. Some of these are listed below:

RDC 22:11 "...and it is glory unto me..."
LDS Pearl of Great Price, Moses 1:18 -- phrase omitted

RDC 22:12 "...Satan cried with a loud voice, and went upon the earth..."
LDS, Moses 1:19 "...Satan cried with a loud voice, and ranted upon the earth..."

RDC 22:17b "...for it rested upon him..."
LDS, Moses 1:25 "...for it was upon him..."

RDC 22:19a "...yea, even all the face of it;"
LDS, Moses 1:27 "...yea, even all of it;"

RDC 22:25 "And now they are spoken unto you. Amen."
LDS, Moses 1:42 "And now they are spoken unto you. Show them not unto any except them that believe. Even so, Amen."

RDC 77:2a "...that all things be done unto my glory, that ye should who are joined together in this order..."
LDC 78:8 "...that all things be done unto my glory, by you who are joined together in this order..."

RDC 83:6i "And all those who come not unto this priesthood..."
LDC 84:42 "And wo unto all those who come not unto this priesthood..."

RDC 83:9a "Verily, verily I say unto you, who now have my words..."
LDC 84:60 "Verily, verily I say unto you, who now hear my words..."

The introductions to each section are different between the RDC and LDC. In some cases there may be actual differences in dates or other statements regarding the history of the revelation that will be important to a student of history.