This website provides resources and materials about stewardship from a Restoration RLDS perspective.  We provide this to assist every Saint in their effort to be a better steward over the resources God has entrusted into their care and management.

This website includes:

  • Basics - Some basic, fundamental information on stewardship
  • Resources - Several documents that cover the Temporal Law (i.e., tithing, consecration, surplus, sacrifice, etc.)
  • Tithing Statement Forms - Tithing statements for adults and children and an instruction guide on how to fill them out as well as some helpful automated tools that can be used in Microsoft Excel
  • Priesthood - Specific resources for Restoration Priesthood to use to teach stewardship principles in their congregation as well as providing offertory statements during their worship services
  • Links- Hypertext links to other websites with valuable information on stewardship and budgeting.